Road Intersection Simulation and Visualization

Road Intersection Simulation and Visualization

១០ មិថុនា ២០២៤ — Chau Dara

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I've decided to open-source this source code under GPLv3(GNU General Public License, version 3) after my graduation from the university.

This is an intersection simulation software capable of generating the arriving vehicles at varying controllable rate. The vehicle behavior can be changed in realtime in the following mode:

  • Obeying the traffic lights
  • Not Obeying traffic lights,
  • Treating front vehicles as invisible or not.


Tested Systems

I have complied the source code and test on the following systems:

  • Windows 10 20H2 19042
  • macOS Big Sur 11.2.1
  • Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS

Build Instructions

Clone the source code

$ git  clone  

RISV requires Qt 5.0.0+ to to complie and run. The source code can be compiled using one of these options.

Quick Run on Windows, Mac, and Linux with Qt Creator

  • Open the project with Qt Creator.
  • Configure project with either MinGW or Visual Compiler
  • Run

Manually Build Release on Windows with MingGW

Make sure you add Qt/5.XX/mingw/mingwXXX_64/bin/ and Qt/Tools/mingwXXX_64/bin/ to your PATH in system environment variables.

$ cd Traffic-SImulation-and-Visualization  
$ qmake  
$ mingw32-make  
$ mingw32-make clean  
$ cd release  
$ windeployqt --quick --no-translations .  


  • KimAng Kheang, TFD ( Software Architect, AI Developer)
  • Sokchea Kor, ITED, FE, RUPP ( Advisor, Initiator)

Interested in becoming one of the contributors? Wanna take part in our community? Send me an email detaling how you would like to add features, fixe certain part, or whatever on your mind to [email protected]


  • Thanks to endrll for providing CQtDeployer packaging system to ship this software in production.
  • Thanks to jurplel for providing install-qt-action that helps us in creating automating build process.
